NEW: DLG Partnerships Home Insurance APIs

Want to sell home insurance through your app or website?

DLG Partnerships is part of Direct Line Group, one of the UK’s leading providers of insurance and roadside recovery services. We work together to deliver the very best experience possible for our loyal customers when they need us most.

The Partnerships team can help your organisation provide cover to your customers using DLG’s trusted brands. By bringing together our expertise and your brand values, we can work with you to offer your customers a seamless insurance experience that’s built around your business needs.

Our experienced Partnerships team can help you choose the right partnership opportunity based on your customer proposition. We’ll also give you expert technical and product support as and when you need it.

How we can work together

Deliver reliable insurance using some of our best-known brands. Get in touch if you'd like to find out more about the options below.


Home insurance APIs

Offer your customers an instant estimated price before they complete a pre-filled quote using one of our trusted brands. Data sharing required.

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Available now

Affiliate/Affinity partnerships

By partnering with us, you can enhance your brand’s proposition by distributing a seamless insurance experience using one of our well-known brands.

White label solution

Provide award-winning insurance

We’ll work with you to create a fully branded end-to-end insurance product that supports your brand values and customer needs.

Who we work with

As well as insuring customers directly across the UK, we also help partner brands provide comprehensive insurance services to their customers.

Join DLG Partnerships

If you’re interested in working with some of the UK’s leading insurance brands, we’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch